My first thought on this well-written article was, wow, that's a ton of digital ink to spell out lying has increased 100x over the past 10 - 15 years. The depth and critical thinking were very well done. Mom and Dad, for sure, are proud of ya!

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What a great article! I grew up in what used to be "The Valley of Heart's Delight", which ultimately was plundered and pillaged by hucksters and A-class Holes who transformed it into "Silicon Valley". Here people have been living in their own metaverse for awhile, so Tether makes perfect sense in a land of make believe and algorithms. But Allbirds has nothing on the likes of Theranos or Solyndra or certain mega-corporations that know how to better disguise their fraud.

Really well written article with enough humor to keep me from fuming. Well done, Mom and Dad! You raised a good one.

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This article shows how important fundamental business practices are for entrepreneurs and their advisors. Take a look at one approach to solve this: CEAnow.org

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Great article. One of the buzzier terms that pops up these days is "risk appetite". I remember it being applied to derivatives based on mortgage backed securities (in turn based on newly minted homeowners that, with their 480 credit score ARM loans, could barely fog a mirror) in the back half of the 00's that played a major role in the housing crash. Tether?.....Bon appetit

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I see the ghosts of Enron.

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