I could not be more glad to see this happen. As a graduate student who could never find a job in academia because of all the damn foreigners over here competing for the same set of positions, I hope Trump kicks them all out and that they never come back!

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You don't reserve a university job anywhere, and I hope whoever does the hiring finds this comment. You're not as anonymous as you think. Sure, let's take the hardest working, smarted, brightest people in the society and kick them out. We're all descendants of immigrants.

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Who says foreigners are "hardest working, smartest, and brightest"? If they're so smart, why aren't they solving problems in their home countries? Let's get real ... Republicans want the damn foreigners for cheap labor (whether it be on a farm or writing code at some startup) and the Democrats want their votes (even willing to grant citizenship to the worst foreigners of them all: the damn illegals). If foreigners are so "useful," then why do so many other countries save their jobs for their own citizens ... ever tried getting an academic position in a country like Italy coming from the US? Trump stood up to the damn intellectual elites in this country (with their tenured university positions) and said "fuck globalization." I'm hoping coronavirus creates a giant reset in this country where we return to our roots in international isolationism. I'd also like to see all of the H1-B's that Obama brought into this country shipped out too ... we may need special legislation first though ... so let's get Trump re-elected with all Republican Congress who can set him loose to finish up what's he's already started. MAGA = Make America Great Again FOR AMERICANS!

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Poor incompetent Joe Dough wants to cut the legs off all the tall people because he is short.

You are a disgrace to our nation. You and your intellectually-deficient ilk are DESTROYING America and making it the laughingstock of the world.

Besides your sweeping generalizations that could generally be characterized as "the moronic ravings of a total idiot" that don't even merit a response, as every single statement you made it wrong bad and dumb, there's a greater issue here:

YOU are the descendent of immigrants, my dim-witted friend!

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The unfortunate reality is that your Dear Despot, Hair Twitler, is currently the captain of what increasingly appears to be The Titanic.

Your idiocy will get us all killed. I shall never forgive your stupid-*ss for destroying America.

Your entire belief system and world view is based on total BS, and yet here you have the nerve to wave your idiocy around like something to be proud of.

Grow up, you spoiled little brat. You don't deserve anything, you entitled whiny little bully.

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Americans are too woefully inept to succeed in those roles. Having said that, I agree with your core thesis, because it will actually be entertaining to watch Americans throw ice cubes at the sun in order to cool it down.

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Ehem... MAGA = Make America Great Again for White Xenophobic Americans

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Xenophobia stands for rational self-preservation.

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I would think harder on why you didn't and never will get any job in academia (hint: it's not someone else's fault, so stop whining and pitying yourself) Trump won't help you, either. Greetings from a foreigner who just became naturalized US citizen (I guess your little life became just little harder again?)

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Foreigners also create a lot of jobs tho. There is a 50% chance that the company you want to work for was founded by an immigrant or a second-generation immigrant, odds are higher if you work in tech.

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Started by a foreigner because we let too many of them in here! That's why I don't work in tech ... rather live on less than take orders from a damn foreigner!

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Lmao are you for real

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No ... just ranting for fun!

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I love how America is self destroying

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I’m an immigrant here, pursuing citizenship too, and my best advice to you is to be mindful to remember that we do not have first amendment rights. (Yes, yes, technically the first amendment applies to all residents, but really we can get kicked out at any time for any reason, so really, it doesn’t.) This kind of post can really damage your citizenship case later.

What about me? I’m also the kind that can’t shut their mouth, but I’ve kept extra quiet those past few years, and it hasn’t been simple with everything going on. But man, the day I get this citizenship, I’ll start doing my citizen civic duty defending immigrant rights, and I’ll never forget how real the struggle is for our immigrant brothers and sisters.

Until then, stay safe, and don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

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Very well written, even to the point of reminiscing back to undergrad 20-24 years ago and wishing I knew at the time how hard it must be to be an international student here: struggling to fit in, probably knowing no one. I’m glad you (all) are here.

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Great post. You articulated well the weirdness of the times and the ugliness behind the mask, so to speak. Seems like we are in some sort of spiral (death spiral?) sinking ever deeper into a hell that can only be made a reality out of the mind of an idiot king. We will reach the seventh circle if the Orange One gets re-elected. If that happens, all bets are off. You are right about Miller- cruelty is his thing. BTW, I’m one of those nauseatingly over-optimistic Americans, but, dude, I’m growing weary.

Still gotta think you should still bet on that same horse though.

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While I think this was a bad decision on the part of ICE, I think it's important to remember that the ICE announcement was not that of a new rule, but a very untimely reversion to the requirements of the original rule, the one which has guided the immigration aspect of international students coming to the States for years, as far as I know. This is an important distinction, because some of the international students from China I have been in touch with have thought that this was something new entirely, which upset them even more. If I am mistaken about this, please let me know.

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I believe you're right about that technicality, but that doesn't make things much better. It just shows how merciless, inflexible, and immune to reasoned arguments the U.S. government is (arguments such as the actual economic benefit of international students.) It further peels back the facade of the American Dream and shows that the U.S. is all too often the land of forcibly squelched opportunity. Just ask international students nowadays (or even better, ask black Americans.)

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