Jan 10, 2021Liked by Ranjan Roy

In this case isn't phygital what the Chinese government calls "informationized warfare"?

Really excellent article today. Thank you!

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Great insight shared! Thank you Ranjan. Please help to keep us focused on identifying imminent threats, something many, including the Capital Police seemed to have missed.

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Great article! There are 2 "TK Link" notes that seemed to be missed when copyediting just FYI.

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I nominate "liminal" to replace "phygital." It adequately invokes the in-between-ness you're trying to describe, and has the added advantage of being an actual word.

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Also, while I'm here, thank you for giving me something for free that I'd happily pay for.

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then I predict more sudo-liminous acts of social sedition in the future

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digital causes of fidgeting nuisances in the vein of the Devil makes work for idle hands (that my genuinely concerned grandmother and product of more than a century ago would switch at me to make still and "stop that cursed fidget ")

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Black Friday 2015: I stopped using Fakebook (as I call it) when I realized I was being used by Fakebook. I would like to believe that people understand that Social Media can be controlled but too many, it seems, are willing to be controlled by Social Media.


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I had reason this morning to sign up for Instagram and chose to sign up giving my email address. Instantly Instagram declared that they had detected suspicious activity in connection with my still not fully created account and demanded my mobile number. No, just no way. I actually think that what happened was actually a criminal act of deception in English law.

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“ we absolutely need better data on what people are seeing.” But what about everyone’s privacy? There’s trade offs here that I wonder if we, as a society, truly understand. And the further these bans go down the tech stack, the more worried I get.

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Regarding TW, FB, INSTA, etc. If they aren't all under anti-trust investigation AND the Senate doesn't flip, do these platforms lead and follow as they did? I don't know. That this was some last straw bullshit seems too convenient considering the increased scrutiny they should expect from a progressive congress and executive branch.

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Lol only an american can say this. Remember cairo 2011? Malesia? Mosul? 😂🤷

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Perhaps once we start referring to people who use Twitter as "twits," as the name so implies, we will at least begin to see it for what it is: mere chatter of a most often thoughtless variety. I think I have a Twitter account going back around 10 years, but after a day or two it became dormant. I mean, what is the point?

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