Fantastic write-up. Thanks Ranjan :)

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Awesome read! Thanks man.

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Thank you for helping me better understand. THANKS!!

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I love when someone intelligent makes me think

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Ranjan and Can, given your respective expertise in finance and tech, do you guys have any thoughts on the DeFi movement playing out in the crypto space?

There's much hullabaloo about how it revolutionizes the derivatives market by disintermediating it and creating a more level field. As someone from a traditional finance background, I'm struggling to understand how DeFi works, and how it could potentially be a disruptor. Moreover, as with most things nowadays, most people I follow tend to be polarized about this- Crypto's either going to a million or Zero, depending on who you listen to.

I've always found you guys having fairly dispassionate/ rational takes on most issues tech/finance that you write about. It'd be lovely if you'd consider writing about this in a future edition of Margins.

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Each week my fascination and admiration for this team grows. Great writing!

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Awesome write up, 4 billion IRR on 4 billion in 2 months, and still legal

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I guess the takeaway is none of us should be shocked if the tech market corrects 30-40% when all of Softbank's Gamma plays are over.

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