No mention of Google, the classic example of where politics is a huge source of internal strife?

Yes, people are political. But asking them to leave their politics at the door seems reasonable for well-compensated tech workers, and we’ve seen at companies like Google what can happen when political affiliation is deeply embedded into corporate life. (Google have banned all political discussion on their internal mailing lists, interestingly.)

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Lazy move and lack of leadership from a hollow libertarian. Nothing to see here. Coinbase (or Gemini) is just a casino disguised as some novel tech company. And I say that as a crypto speculator 🤣

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How is it lazy? Coinbase are paying substantial compensation to those who decide the apolitical stance isn’t for them and want to leave.

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"Yet, it's hard for me to square the lofty goals of "creating an open financial system" with the actual business of Coinbase, which is mostly letting people in the developed world speculate on assets that they don't understand, have no basis in reality, and do nothing but burn electricity. "

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Too much talking, no basis in reality. Welcome back to Turkey.

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I agree that the memo was in fact written with a political bent while saying that its not. In that sense its very trumpian. Say whatever sounds good as long as you get what you want. At this point I’d bet he’s a trump donor.

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